Braap Braap
Braap Braap
Braap Braap
Le jeu se charge ...

Braap Braap

Braap Braap


Évaluation: 4.9
Braap Braap game is a motorcycle game. This is a one lap, go for broke,dash for cash!

Braap Braap game is a motorcycle game. This is a one lap, go for broke,dash for cash!

This is a one-lap, go for broke, dash for cash! You've got to beat the clock and the other racers to score well and make it into the Scores. You can earn bonus points for doing tricks, picking up bonus items, and making it on the podium. Don't crash or you're getting a penalty! Hold "Z', "X" or "C" before you go off a jump to do a trick. Hold the spacebar before a jump to pre-load and release it as you go off the jump and got more air. Have fun at Vitality Games!

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